Tuesday, January 10, 2012

About Me

I am a Navy wife, mom, student and horse trainer. In the midst of the craziness, dinner must be served every night. Cooking at the end of the day is something the helps me to find my center and bring my hectic family together. While eating with a 2 year old climbing on you is the most calming thing, the time we all get to spend together is priceless. The role of chef is an important one. In every meal, it is my job to meet my family's nutritional needs without boring them. It is my goal with every family supper to provide the nutrition needed and the flavor and fun we all desire, without spending the monthly budget just on groceries. So, after being asked for recipes from friends, I decided to start writing down my recipes more often so that they can be more easily shared. So, here it is! My creations open to the public. With every different meal for my family, I will post the recipes for you. Enjoy!

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