Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Breakfast Shakes

My two-year-old has consistently been a below par eater. Just like most moms, I am constantly worried about her getting the nutrition her growing body needs. So, I make a shake for her at breakfast time that is packed full of nutrition to ease my worries. She calls it her "breakfast milk" and I call it a life saver. I have been making it for her since she hit 1 year (because she started to drastically loose weight when she stopped nursing) and it has done the trick in keeping her, me, and the pediatrician happy!

2 bananas
1/2 cup frozen fruit
1/2 cup all natural yogurt
1/3 cup Carnation Breakfast Essentials
1 tsp ground, milled flax seed
~ 3 cups whole milk

Break up bananas into 3 of 4 pieces each and place them in blender. Add frozen fruit and then add yogurt. Next, add Carnation breakfast powder and flax seed. Last, fill blender up to the 5 cup mark or 1125 ml mark with whole milk. Place on the lid and blend well. It is so yummy mom can enjoy it for breakfast too! The batch makes enough for 1.5 - 2 days (if mom doesn't want any). I usually let her have it first thing in the morning, right after her nap, and sometimes right before bed. I store the excess in a protein shaker bottle in the fridge so that any separation that occurs can be quickly undone before I serve her some through the day or the next day. Sometimes, I switch out the frozen fruit for 3 tablespoons of natural peanut butter (any nut butter could be used) for a little protein boost with awesome flavor. Remember, always blend well and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Breakfast milk! Best idea you have had yet my dear friend!!
