Friday, January 27, 2012

Tomato Basil Soup Comfort

Tomato Basil Soup


6 - Roma Tomatoes

1 - Medium Red Bell Pepper

6 - Fresh Garlic Cloves (in the skin not peeled)

1 - 15 oz. Can of Crushed Tomatoes

1 -16 oz. Can of Tomato Sauce

1 - Quart of Chicken Stock

16 - Fresh Basil Leaves (approximate)

1 - 6 inch stem of Fresh Rosemary

Olive Oil



Core bell pepper and place on cooking sheet with Roma tomatoes and garlic cloves (still in their skin). Drizzle bell pepper and tomatoes with olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Place in oven at 415 F. Leave garlic cloves in for only 20 minutes. Bell pepper and tomatoes will take 40 minutes, or until the skin starts to brown all over (you may need to turn the bell pepper and tomatoes while cooking to achieve even cooking). When garlic, bell pepper, and tomatoes are done roasting, do a rough puree for all remaining ingredients (withholding half of the chicken stock and fresh herbs) and put pureed ingredients into a large crockpot. Chop fresh herbs to desired size and place in crockpot (pureeing with other ingredients will lead to an uneven chop of your herbs). Leave all ingredients to cook on low for 5 – 8 hours (ready in 5, but nothing will be hurt if you have to leave it for 8). Add the reserve chicken stock throughout the day as the soup begins to cook down. If you have to leave it for the full 8 hours without any further contact, add the entire quart in the beginning. Serve with homemade croutons, grilled cheese, or enjoy by it’s self!

Serves 6-8 respectively

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